The UM Guesthouse provides students living at the Aubeldomein with special white trashbags.
Please only use these bags!!!!
Other bags will not be picked up and is a safety and health hazard for your neighbors. You can place these bags outside in front of your complex on Thursday evening after 20.00. A company called Suez will pick up the trash on Friday morning. You can pick up new bags at our office at the Brouwersweg 100.
You can pick up new bags at our office at the Brouwersweg 100.
If you would like to think green, you could recycle your trash. All general waste can be disposed in the garbage bags provided by us. Glass, plastic, tin cans, and paper and board can be recycled. You could go to one of the many containerparks near your location (small black containers with white letters stating the category of waste).
You can find one of the recycle platforms very near (see the map)!