The ESNcard serves as both a membership card and a gateway to discounts within the Erasmus Student Network.
For only €18.50, you can unlock remarkable discounts in Maastricht, the Netherlands, and across Europe. We're dedicated to continuously enhancing our offerings by seeking out fresh deals in Maastricht, engaging with current partners, and enhancing your Erasmus Experience in the city.
The ESNcard not only encompasses local, national, and international benefits but also grants you complimentary or reduced access to our events and trips!
Did you know that each year more than 150,000 international students get their ESNcard? But what is the ESNcard and what is it used for?
Well, simply put, ESNcard is the membership card to the Erasmus Generation. A card that will carry the memories of your best times spent abroad with constant new experiences and lots of international friends. And a card that will grant you access to all ESN’s events and over 1500 discounts all around Europe!
Buy your ESNcard online or in our office at Brouwersweg 100 for just €18.50!
International deals:
Local deals: